Alexander Perrin

Interactive Media and Illustration

A Wild Pack of Family Dogs

A Wild Pack of Family Dogs is a multiplayer working to encourage natural human/canine play. Players are given control over a pack of dogs at their home- a derelict mining town. The environment and the objects within create a canvas for players to create their own playful games and activities which the dogs[…]

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Movement Study 1

Movement Study 1 is a New Realist movement simulator and short adventure game about youth in Melbourne. It won Best Visual Arts at the 2015 Freeplay Festival.

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Ropejacks is a local multiplayer cooperative game that invites players to use the power of two overweight lumberjacks and a length of rope to fell all the trees in the forest! Ropejacks won the Indie Games Showcase as part of the IFEST Independent Games Festival in 2013. Ropejacks is currently in[…]

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Brolly Folly

Hotdog sales are down. Room only for one. Pleasant battle! Brolly Folly is a delightful 2-4 player umbrella jousting brawler. It’s intuitive nature, fast face and bold visuals have made it a crowd favourite at numerous events and exhibitions over the world, including: SUPER Hot Ronny’s Rumble, hosted at Babycastles, New York[…]

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Noirmittens is a technical study in tactile mechanical motion and fine combination of real world and digital media. Control a robed feline courier and a variety of overly complicated machines to deliver a crate of supplies to a remote monastery atop a mountain. Noirmittens is on longer in development.

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